The third installment in the Parasite Eve series, aptly titled the 3rd Birthday, got a little screen time at the Toky Game Show this weekend. With the mega conference closing its doors, gamers get the scratch theirs again for the first time since May.
For those unfamiliar or new to the series, the big-whigs of Square Enix are getting together for the 3rd Birthday. Tetsuya Nomura will be doing the artwork, Motomu Toriyama will be working on the plot, with Yoko Shimomura composing. Yet, despite the powerhouse production team, the 3rd Birthday is headed for the Japanese NTT DoCoMo line, the very same that until recently housed Before Crisis.
The trailer depicted a young and newly super-CGed Aya Brea in a church, followed by a sequence of images that reveal nothing about anything in particular. A man enters carrying a woman, and Aya pulls out her gun, while her rings goes flying and lands in a pool of blood.
Still, the track record for cell phone games of Square's getting outside of Japan hasn't been to good (Before Crisis, anyone?) so here's to hoping they manage to release the next Parasiste Eve game worldwide.
SquareEnix are putting a lot of faith into the PSP, at least in Japan, as it is the major focus of their offerings at TGS this year. The 3rd Birthday is a big part of these plans. December 22nd will see the return of the Parasite Eve series in Japan, with a US date to hopefully follow soon after. Much...
Brendan 2008-08-02 4 comments
The third title in the Parasite Eve series, the 3rd Birthday, has been confirmed for the Sony hand held console, the PlayStation Portable. Square Enix lists the game for a 2009 release although little other media is currently available. Please Stay Tuned. This article will be updated as the DKΣ3713 event continues.
i remember the game on ps1 it sucked! but this looks alot better :/