New Little King and the Promised Land Trailer
kula shakerz    2008-02-16, 14:03 pm.

Square Enix has released the third trailer of their upcoming Wii Ware title, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Little King and the Promised Land.

This trailer gives us a look at the city building aspect of the game. Square Enix has registered 'My Life As A King' in the US Patent Office so this will probably be the English name of the game.

Check out the new trailer here.

Magus 99    2008-02-16, 14:10 pm

I sure hope thats the North American title. "The Little King and the Promised Land" is way too long.

ryuzaki    2008-02-19, 15:21 pm

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: T.L.K.A.T.P.C.. <------- Ya it is a bit too long! but the game looks nice!

kweh!    2008-02-28, 05:23 am

How much space is this game going to take to download? Is there going to be a HDD peripheral?

kula shakerz    2008-02-28, 16:54 pm

I think there is a 512 flash memory card in it and you can expand storage with a SD card.

My Life as a King Coming to Europe

kula shakerz    2008-05-14    0 comments

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King will be available in Europe on May the 20th. The game will only be available through the Nintendo Wii online service, WiiWare, and it will cost 1,500 Wii points (about 10 Euro). The game was released in North America on Monday and it has been getting positive reviews.

My Life as a King - Chapter 7: Dark Lord Trailer

kula shakerz    2008-03-14    0 comments

Square Enix has released the seventh chapter of their Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King trailers series. This time the kingdom faces a serious new threat; the Dark Lord. Check it out here: Episode 7: The Dark Lord

Little King and the Promised Land Trailer #2

kula shakerz    2008-02-08    2 comments

Square Enix has released a new trailer from the game with the longest name ever, "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Little King and the Promised Country". The trailer shows us the characters that will help the king and their jobs (Squire, Black Mage, White Mage and Thief). Check it out here.