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Hitman Goes Fully Episodic, Preorders Cancelled

Brendan    2016-01-15    0 comments

Preorders of IO Interactive's new Hitman game have been cancelled and the title has been transitioned from a full release to an episodic release schedule. Hitman, which had been scheduled for release in March, caused created a stir today when cancellation notices were sent out PS4 gamers who had preordered the title. After a few hours of confusion, IO Interactive...

Hitman Reveal Trailer Shown at E3

kula shakerz    2015-06-17    0 comments

Io-Interactive’s latest chapter in the acclaimed blockbuster series of creative stealth action games was presented at this year's E3 conference. You'll have the power and intelligence of Agent 47 at your fingertips and it is your choice whether to use brute force or orchestrate a genuine masterpiece of assassination. The game launches worldwide on December 8 2015 for PS4, Xbox...