The tale begins in the kingdom of Radiata, which lies in a world where humans and fairy creatures coexist. It is here that the protagonists, Jack and Ridley, meet for the first time. While Jack seeks to become a knight, Ridley must accept her fate in becoming one. Destinies are realized when a war erupts between the humans and the fairy creatures and threatens to end the world of Radiata.
In Radiata Stories, enter a never-before-seen living, breathing world where all of the characters live their own lives and the passage of time brings about remarkable changes. Your choices including which side you will fight for determine which of over 175 individuals will lend you a hand in your journey. Precise, easy-to-use controls allow you to add strategies to real-time battles through various changes in your party's formation.
Explore a fully interactive and animated environment by kicking objects! Kick chairs, trees, rocks, monsters, townsfolk, chickens, etc. to earn items or engage in battle. In addition, collect and equip a variety of alternate costumes and weapon types for Jack, each with its own set of stats and special attributes, including cameos from past tri-Ace titles.
Xin 2005-08-08 0 comments
Square-Enix has opened the US Site for their upcoming release Radiata Stories. For the time, not much is available, just the featured splash page, a glimpse of the game's cover art, and an option to preorder the game for yourself online. Also available is the first english language trailer of the game. Link >> Radiata Stories US Site Radiata Stories...
Xin 2005-07-18 0 comments
Square-Enix have announced that Radiata Stories will be released in the US on September 6th. The story of Jack Russell, Ridley Timberlake, and a cast of more than 175 playable characters will look to make an impressive entry into the US Gaming Market. Featuring a fully interactive gaming environment and a real time battle system can only help it along...
sifar 2005-02-22 0 comments
It was announced by Team Entertainment that Radiata Stories's Original Soundtrack would be released on February 23, 3005 for 3,200 JPY. The album will contain 79 tracks composed by Noriyuki Iwadare, and be available on two CDs. Its catalogue number is KDSD-00061~62.