Interview With FF Director Yasumi Matsuno
sifar    2003-01-18, 00:00 am.

Many changes have happened in the past few years for Squaresoft. The launch of the PlayOnline services, the Square-Enix merger, Square's development of games for Nintendo. Also, after releasing its latest RPG for the PS2, Unlimited SaGa, Square is now looking forward to releasing its first title for a Nintendo console after many years, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

Yasumi Matsuno is Squaresoft's fourth development director and did this interview for the people at Dorimag.

Question: What are your impressions of 2002?

Matsuno-san: One of the biggest events of the year for Square was the acquisition of Quest, which was previously responsible for the 'Ogre' series of games. Generally speaking, Square has been going through a period of substantial reorganization internally. Of course, I also think our plans to support Nintendo's platforms including the Game Boy Advance was very big.

Question: What have you been working on recently?

Matsuno-san: I've been pulled in several directions over the past few months. I've been working on the scenario for Final Fantasy XII, and I've also enjoyed working on and watching Final Fantasy Tactics Advance evolve on the Game Boy Advance.

Question: Were you personally disappointed by anything?

Matsuno-san: Unfortunately, the Xbox hasn't done as well as hoped. But from a developers standpoint, I think it’s great that there are so many platforms to choose from.

Question: What are your thoughts on the Enix merger?

Matsuno-san: I was opposed to the idea at first, but I'm getting more accustomed to it now. [smiles..] It was shocking not only because Square was going to merge with another company, but because it was with Enix. Nobody could have anticipated it. I'm looking forward to the future and exploring the market together.

Question: What’s your outlook for 2003?

Matsuno-san: We're anxious about the release of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (FFTA) on February 14 and to see how it’s received by the players. Once that's finished, many development team members from Square's fourth division currently working on FFTA will focus on Final Fantasy XII.

Question: How is development on Final Fantasy XII progressing?

Matsuno-san: Players can expect a number of changes in Final Fantasy XII. While some aspects are still being finalized, the game will incorporate a number of new elements. Of course, much of the game's story and protagonist have already been decided. [smiles..] We're doing our best, and we hope everyone continues to look forward to what Square produces in 2003.

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