Thirty minute video about FF History on G4TV
sifar    2004-01-03, 18:34 pm.

G4TV, a channel dedicated to covering nothing but games, is going to have a 30 minute history lesson about the Final Fantasy series on its show titled "Icons". The video will air on January 15, 2004 at 10pm EST. It will also contain behind the scenes footage of Square Enix's new headquarters in Tokyo, and have brand new interviews with Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yoshinari Kitase, Tetsuya Nomura, Nobuo Uematsu and many others. Alan Yu and FF expert, Andrew Vestal, will provide narration for the whole episode. The video will cover all the FF games created up to date, including Final Fantasy XII. was kind enough to make available a teaser of the upcoming "Icons" episode. The video is available in two formats below:

Download >> G4 FF ICONS Clip (small) Download >> G4 FF ICONS Clip (large)

Icons is a documentary show that gives gamers the total run-down on the world of video games. The show provides in-depth coverage on a range of topics including behind the scenes looks at game developers, profiles of industry giants and notorious figures in gaming, and retrospective on the history of famous games. For more information on the show, visit the source link up above.

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