Crystal Defenders
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Crystal Defenders Released On The European PSN

kula shakerz    2009-07-24    1 comment

Final Fantasy: Crystal Defenders was released on the European PlayStation Network yesterday and it costs £7.99/€9.99. There is also a demo that lets you defend 20 waves of attacks for those who want to try the game before making a purchase. The game is a strategic "tower defense" game in which the player deploys characters with popular jobs from Final...

Crystal Defenders Headed For The PS3, Wii And Xbox

kula shakerz    2009-01-21    1 comment

The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that the iPhone game Crystal Defenders is headed for all three current generation consoles. The Wii version will be available as a WiiWare title on January the 27th in Japan. The game is probably coming to Europe and North America too since the game has already been localized. There is currently no release dates...

Crystal Defenders Available On The App Store

kula shakerz    2008-12-30    6 comments

Square Enix has released their new iPod/iPhone/iPod Touch game titled Crystal Defenders. The game is a strategic "tower defense" game in which the player deploys characters with popular jobs from Final Fantasy Tactics A2, such as Black Mages and Soldiers to fend of attackers and prevent them from stealing the crystal. There is also a demo version available called "Crystal...