Embark upon a quest through the great majesty of a future Earth; experiencing the intertwining stories of Darril and Elsa. Darril is a mecha pilot from the Venezuelan State Army, which is angrily seceding from from the UCS. When Darril finds a crashed money transport, he abandons his army, and so finds himself being pursued.
Elsa, however, has a strong sense of justice; with little love for those that oppose righteous law. As a pilot, though, Elsa must learn more about her role in a world fraught with unrest.
Through two different perspectives, players enjoy a unique and riveting.
sifar 2005-09-30 0 comments
Square Enix has released two new trailers for its upcoming strategy RPG, Front Mission 5: Scars of the War. The videos show some of the important characters, the breathtaking visuals and the great soundtrack one can expect to be in the game. Link >> FM5 1 min Trailer Link >> FM5 2.5 min Trailer The game is set to be...
kula shakerz 2005-09-26 0 comments
The newest issue of Weekly Shounen JUMP revealed that Square Enix will release the newest addition to its popular mech series Front Mission in Japan on December 29th. Previously, Front Mission 5: Scars of the War was only listed for a December release in Japan. The game's protagonist is Fen Walter, a soldier serving in the USN military. Heroine Lin...
kula shakerz 2004-06-18 0 comments
Square Enix USA has shipped Front Mission 4 for PlayStation 2 to retail stores in North America. The fourth installment in the popular tactical mech series, developed by Toshirou Tsuchida's sixth development team, was released in Japan last December, selling 240,000 copies to date. Front Mission 4 carries a suggested retail price of $49.99 US.