More Final Fantasy VII + PS3 Rumours
kula shakerz    2008-07-24, 21:21 pm.

It never ends. According to a insider at PlayStation Lifestyle, Final Fantasy VII may be getting a spin-off version (NOT A REMAKE) of the classic game from the massive franchise and it will be exclusive to the PlayStation 3. It is unclear whether a new version will be a Blu-ray release, or on the PSN. Something else which will be coming to the PS3 is the original FF7 which will be on the PlayStation Network by the end of the year.

I would take this rumour with a grain of salt as nothing is confirmed yet and every Final Fantasy VII rumour up to now has been proven false.

LagunaLoireVIII    2008-07-24, 22:10 pm

wow if this is true id go nuts finally ff7 for download and i hope it's the ps3 remake

LagunaLoireVIII    2008-07-24, 22:11 pm

i don't know maybe something leading after dirge of cerberus but hopefully it is a FINA FANTASY VII REMAKE it would be cool to see zack in ps3 graphics

First Class Soldier    2008-07-24, 22:23 pm

WOW! I'm up for any FF on the PS3 so YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Also the PSN thing sounds amazing since my copy broke

First Class Soldier    2008-07-24, 22:36 pm

I was just on Square-Enix customer support. I got the usual thing. (We have no plans....) What is the big secret?

LagunaLoireVIII    2008-07-24, 22:42 pm

to bad for 360 owners a remake and a download take 13 for 360 and ram it up ur crappy xbox fanactic rear end

Dez    2008-07-25, 00:59 am

lol. Yet another spin-off eh, well it is VII and it is PS3.. guess that works for me. I'll always wish for a remake though.

Original VII for PS3, will that look just like the original or? Still cool, I'll be able to play the classic without a Ps1 yay.

Let's hope there's some truth to these rumours ^^

General Sephiroth    2008-07-25, 05:16 am

Interesting news but I still demand a remake of FFVII from Square. You better be a listenin to me Masta Square Enix! :)

kweh!    2008-07-25, 06:08 am

FFVII on PSN with a new FFVII related title for the PS3 is a better move than a remake. They need to break new ground, not just rehash old stories. But to satisfy the needs of the fans, the spin-off needs to be a real RPG, not an action RPG or any other type of subgenre. It needs to have the true feel of a major FF title.

The FFFanatic    2008-07-25, 09:36 am

I thought it was confirmed awhile ago (Square Enix Party 07 maybe?) that there was going to be a PS3 FFVII Compilation title called Endless Crisis. Makes sense if you've played Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core that there has to be at least one more title in the compilation.

kweh!    2008-07-26, 03:17 am

I thought Endless Crisis turned out to be a rumour. People were expecting it to show up at TGS '07 and it never did.

The FFFanatic    2008-07-26, 17:17 pm

I remember seeing a list of upcoming games for each system. One of them was Star Ocean 4 which hadn't been announced yet.(Of course it was listed as a PS3 exclusive....that's no longer the case)

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