Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD: The Square Insider Review

Brendan    2015-05-28    2 comments

When Type-0’s localization was finally announced at last year’s E3, gamers in the western hemisphere breathed a sigh of relief. Hajime Tabata’s second outing on the PSP would finally be reaching avid fans via an official release on the PS4 and X1. For gamers desperately searching for a sign that the Final Fantasy series is, at long last, correcting its...

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Has Arrived

Brendan    2015-03-17    4 comments

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was released in North America today, marking the start of a week's worth of releases in various regions across the world. Yesterday, review embargoes were lifted and multiple publications were allowed to post their thoughts on the long-awaited western release of Final Fantasy Type-0. I've gathered a few key impressions and linked to the full text...

One More Type-0 HD Trailer for the Road

Brendan    2015-03-15    5 comments

With Type-0 HD only days away, Square Enix is still cranking out trailers in an effort to lure in any hesitant, last-minute gamers (I'm looking at you, xin -_- ) before next week's worldwide release. Their newest trailer elaborates on the roots that Type-0 HD shares with the lore and mythology of the Final Fantasy series as a whole. Personally,...