Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV, the CGI prequel film to Final Fantasy XV, will arrive in select theaters throughout the United States on August 19, 2016. It follows a month after the Japanese theatrical release on July 9, 2016 which means that anyone who wants to avoid spoilers should probably abandon the internet during the intervening period. In the United States, the film will be distributed by Stage 6, but little else was revealed.
Ticket prices, theater locations, and digital distribution (which was the original method of release mentioned at Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV) are still unknown. In the meantime, you can enjoy the movie's E3 2016 trailer and its not-so-bad English dub.
Brendan 2016-08-24 0 comments
In hindsight, Kingsglaive was obviously expected to be Final Fantasy XV’s emergent multimedia universe darling. I would argue that position has been usurped by the consistently excellent anime Brotherhood. Whereas Brotherhood is quite good, Kingsglaive is just good enough. This isn’t to say that Kingsglaive is bad. With stunning visuals and a gripping score, the foundation for an excellent movie...
Brendan 2016-07-24 0 comments
It's Comic Con weekend here in San Diego, California and Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV has made a respectable showing. We already knew that the movie would have a limited theatrical release on August 19. In addition to the theatrical release, Kingsglaive will release digitally on August 30th with a solo physical release on October 4th. However, the deluxe and collector's...
Brendan 2016-07-23 0 comments
Final Fantasy XV’s CGI film prequel, Kingslgaive, launched in Japan at the start of the month and unlike Square Enix’s prior cinematic outings, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, the movie has debuted to highly positive reactions in Japan. Square Enix revealed that the film, which debuted in 44 cinemas throughout Japan on July 9,...
Oh, so its only a week away from premiering over here!? ...Okay!