As mentioned in a previous news post (click here), Square will be holding a small concert involving Koda Kumi at the Shibuya Tsutaya in Tokyo. New details include that each FFX-2 package will come with a special present inside and a leaflet. The leaftlet will inform gamers on the fact that Square will be releasing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles in Spring 2003, and Hanjyuku Hero vs. 3D and Seiken Densetsu this summer.
On another Note, it seems that Famitsu had interviewed the folks at FFXII. In the interview, the FFXII members were shown some footage of Final Fantasy X-2, and were supposedly blown away. Gamers are hoping that this will help the people responsible for FFXII to become more ambitious and make FFXII an even better game than FFX-2.
Brendan 2014-12-14 2 comments
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster is coming to PS4 consoles worldwide in Spring 2015. After a successful launch on PS3 and PS Vita platforms this past March, Square Enix officially confirmed the titles for Sony's newest home consoles after a brief, if accidental, reveal late last week. Specific dates and pricing details were not disclosed, but for PS4...
Brendan 2014-04-19 3 comments
Just a quick update about Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster—the game's US release saw over 250k copies sold for PS3 and PSVita in the month since it was released. NPD's latest numbers show the game just barely being outpaced by the Japanese launch (340k copies sold), but handily beating out the launch numbers for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy...
Brendan 2014-03-18 12 comments
Square Enix's newest HD remaster is out now for PS3 and PS Vita! Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster features updated graphics, rearranged audio, and new content from the "international" release that never debuted in North America. If you're in Europe and waiting eagerly for March 21, Square's got you covered with a launch trailer dubbed "an Epic Tale" which is...