Square Enix teams up with Humble Bundle
kula shakerz    2014-07-22, 21:21 pm.

Square Enix has teamed up with Humble Bundle to offer a pay-what-you-want deal for a bunch of games. The bundle includes 16 games for those who pay $14.99 or more. Paying more than the average (currently at $6.89) will net you 11 games and the possibility to get more games later on. If you pay less than the average then you'll still get to walk away with 6 games.

The 16 game bundle is currently valued at $169 so it's a pretty good deal if you don't mind playing games that are a few years old.

The titles currently included in the collection are:

  • Thief Gold
  • Dakatana
  • Mini Ninjas
  • Anachronox
  • Hitman: Codename 47
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assasin
  • Deus Ex: Invisible War *
  • Deus Ex: The Fall *
  • Hitman Absolution *
  • Nosgoth Veteran Pack *
  • Battlestations Midway *
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolusion Director's Cut **
  • Just Cause 2 **
  • Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light **
  • Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition **
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days **

* Require you to pay more than the average (currently at $6.89)

** Require you to pay more than $14.99

k3fka!    2014-07-23, 12:12 pm

A decent collection of games but its kinda funny that there isn't a single game developed by Square Enix in the bundle :p All of them are from Eidos.

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