Article archive

Dawn of Mana Released in NA

Brendan    2007-05-23    0 comments

PlayStation 2 is still alive and kicking, with Square Enix's most recent Mana installment, Dawn of Mana, releasing on US shores today. Fans who reserved their copies through EB Games or GameStop also got a complimentary music CD with their purchase, so happy gaming and listening!

Last Remnant Sites Go Live

Brendan    2007-05-21    0 comments

Square Enix's dual platform RPG, The Last Remnant, has graced the internet with a politely designed teaser site and music to get you pumped. On a purely observational note--the more I looked at the guy in red, the more I see Final Fantasy XII's Vayne Solidor with a bad dye-job. That's just me though. Check out the Last Remnant site...

Staying Behind Closed MEGA Doors

Brendan    2007-05-18    0 comments

Any fans hoping for some major Crystallis revelations at Square Enix Party 2007 were sorely disappointed this past weekend in the teaser for the central Final Fantasy XIII entry, the main trailers of which were screened at the Closed MEGA Theater at the Party. But Reports seem to indicate, though, that Versus didn't disappoint, introducing a shocking new cloaked character....

The War of the Lions Begins in October

Brendan    2007-05-18    0 comments

Hitherto known as Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War, the PSP remake of Final Fantasy Tactics will debut across North America in October of 2007. No specific date was set, but if Square Enix feels like being sly, they might just release it exactly one year after Final Fantasy XII, but that's just speculation. The War of the Lions includes...

Star Ocean I & II Being Remade

Brendan    2007-05-18    0 comments

The first two entries in the popular Star Ocean series are currently being remastered for the Sony PSP, Square Enix announced this weekend at the Square Enix Party. Star Ocean I was never localized for North America after the Japanese release. Both games will take advantage of new designs, game elements, and the audio and visual capabilities of the PSP.

Crisis Core Confirmed for September

Brendan    2007-05-12    0 comments

At a private screening in the "Closed Mega Theater" at the Square Enix Party 2007, the Japanese RPG developer closed out the newest Crisis Core trailer with the number "9 13 2007" and since there's no thirteenth month, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII will make its Japanese premier on September 13th, 2007, and not the rumored August 2nd, 2007.

Lion Wars hits the shelves in Japan

kula shakerz    2007-05-10    0 comments

Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War was released in japan today. The PlayStation Portable title is a remake of the PlayStation hit Final Fantasy Tactics. North American and European release dates have yet to be announced.

Site Updated With New Trailer

Brendan    2007-05-10    0 comments

The Japanese Crisis Core website was updated with the Jump Festa trailer, an improvement from the poor video and audio quality versions floating around on the internet. Though it lacks any subs, it's still very entertaining to watch and listen to. To get to it, click PV on the main site. Crisis Core Official Site!

Dissidia to be a Combat Game

Brendan    2007-05-10    0 comments

Dissidia -Final Fantasy- has been revealed to be a combat game that brings together many of the characters from Final Fantasy. The confirmation scan reveals Zidane Tribal (IX), Kuja (IX), and the Warrior of Light (I). Square Enix has commented that the game will incorporate "progressive action" elements. View the announcement scan here!

International Zodiac Job System Announced

Brendan    2007-05-10    0 comments

Following a long line of Square Enix games, Final Fantasy XII will see a second release in Japan, titled Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System. The game will feature new license boards and added content. Check out the announcement scan here!

DS Remake Announced

Brendan    2007-05-10    0 comments

Following a few weeks of rumors and speculation, it was confirmed today that Final Fantasy IV is being remade for the Nintendo DS. Check out the announcement scan here!

First Last Remnant details available

kula shakerz    2007-05-08    0 comments

The first details regarding The Last Remnant have finally been made available. The game is confirmed to be a single player RPG and is being developed for the Unreal 3 game engine. The use of the Unreal Engine suggest that the game will go multi-platform (I'm guessing PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360). The game will feature a turn-based battle system...

New Final Fantasy game for the PSP

kula shakerz    2007-05-08    0 comments

Square Enix recently launched a teaser site for their upcoming PlayStation Portable title, Dissidia: Final Fantasy. All we know so far is that the logo of the game is designed by Yoshitaka Amano while the characters will be designed by Tetsuya Nomura. More information will be available this weekend when Square Enix is throwing a party so stay tuned!

Square Enix Registers New Title

Brendan    2007-05-05    0 comments

The last time Square Enix caused such a stir over a trademark was with the then unknown registration of Revenant Wings early last summer. And then again last year with Haeresis, widely believed to be another Final Fantasy XIII game. The Last Remnant As always, the mysteries and rumors are aplenty. Ivalice Alliance game? New Wii title? New underwear brand?...

New KH Game to Focus on Mickey Mouse

Brendan    2007-05-05    0 comments

Disney fans can breath easy, as King Mickey's journey is only beginning. The world's most famous mouse is going to get extra love and support from the creative minds behind the Kingdom Hearts universe. But not, as Tetsuya Nomura has insisted repeatedly, in the form of a sequel. Nope, this entry will be spin-off and while the subject of the...