Article archive

The Lion War Trailer!

Brendan    2007-01-05    0 comments

Square Enix isn't wasting any time buckling up for the ride that will be remembered as 2007! The trailer's dialogue is entirely Japanese, but don't let that distract your from the tantalizingly epic graphics and in-game demos towards the end. Hopefully the Lion War will see a 2007 release! Click here to view the trailer.

Official Revenant Wings website updated

kula shakerz    2006-12-27    0 comments

Square Enix have updated the official Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings website with a promotion trailer from Jump Festa. The trailer contains both in-game footage as well as computer generated sequences. The graphics of the game look similar to the old sprite based Super Nintendo games while the CG scenes look just as good as the ones from Square's other...

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Brendan    2006-12-24    0 comments

And all through the house, an obsessed PG-13 was stirring, annoying the mouse. Just kidding! But really, I've gotten several noise complaints from the neighbors. No more egg eggnog for me! Check out these new Ring of Fates scans, which are a bit of a step down from the Lion War and Revenant Wings scans, but who's counting? Scan 1...

Some Revenant Wings Scans for You Too!

Brendan    2006-12-24    0 comments

Oh my, Square sure knows how to take care of it's fans during the holidays. Enjoy these newest scans from the big boys in Japan, and have some happy holidays! Scan 1 Scan 2

Some X-Mas Scans for You!

Brendan    2006-12-24    0 comments

Square Enix bundled up and released a tantalizing group of scans for the Lion War. It's got job classes, screens, and all sorts of goodies. Scan 1 Scan 2 Scan 3 Scan 4 Scan 5 Scan 6 Scan 7 Scan 8 Scan 9 Scan 10

A Final Lineup

Brendan    2006-12-23    0 comments

Square's got themselves a website with all the Final Fantasies--past and present--conveniently located in one blob of information. The icons all link to the respective sites; be sure to check out the Revenant Wings website, which has made the TGS 2006 trailer public at last. Enjoy it here!

Something Wicked...

Brendan    2006-12-22    0 comments

It's official: fans of the Kingdom Hearts series can expect the franchise to go beyond the latest incarnation, Final Mix + for Kingdom Hearts II. In the most recent issue of Famitsu magazine, Tetsuya Nomura confirmed that eager fans can expect news on the ongoing projects in mid-2007; including one "non-game" project. A movie, perhaps? Whether or not this means...

Set for Release

Brendan    2006-12-21    0 comments

The European and Australian release dates for Final Fantasy XII are February 23rd, 2007. Final Fantasy XII has sold over 2 million copies in Japan, and shipped over 1.5 million in North American territories.

Square Enix Bombs Vana'diel

Brendan    2006-12-21    0 comments

In a surprise attack that took the lives of roughly 7,700 citizens of Vana'diel, Square Enix once again cracked down on cheaters. The move supposedly removed almost 6.2 billion gil from circulation. Amidst declining sales, competition from chief competitor World of Warcraft, fans have to wonder, does it really matter anymore? The official numbers are as follows: Accounts confirmed using...

2 Very Nice Trailers

Brendan    2006-12-20    1 comment

Two new trailers for the upcoming games Seiken Densetsu 4: Dawn of Mana, and Seiken Densetsu: Heroes of Mana, are now available for viewing at the World of Mana Square Enix website-hub. You can get to the site by clicking here, and then hit the Trailer button on the navigation bar to the left to enjoy the two newest videos....

Akira Speaks Out

Brendan    2006-12-20    0 comments

The concept artist for the recently announced Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Sky, as wells as Draqon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors, spoke out about his thoughts on the game, his input, and expresses his renewed interest the series. At 51 years old, Toriyama is one of the oldest concept artists out there. Here...

Good Bye to Wi-Fi

Brendan    2006-12-19    0 comments

Square Enix confirmed today that they will not be taking advantage of the Nintendo DS’s Wi-Fi technical capabilities. This action was announced in the decision to drop the function from its upcoming Front Mission DS port. Also, Square Enix has reportedly scrapped the multiplayer mode from the recently announced and still undated Seiken Densetsu: Heroes of Mana. Square Enix cited...

Tentative Translations and News

Brendan    2006-12-18    0 comments

An early translation of the Final Fantasy XIII trailer from JUMP FESTA has found itself across the web, casting the first rays of light upon the plot and world of Final Fantasy XIII. Taken from, the first plot points—and thanks to a camera phone—a second character, and the floating city, have been met with description. The translation is as...

Clips of Final Mix and...Something More?

Brendan    2006-12-18    0 comments

At JUMP FESTA this past weekend, in Square Enix's closed theater, at the same time the company was parading a new trailer of Final Fantasy XIII around, it also showed a clip reel of its Kingdom Hearts series, including the upcoming Final Mix. I might be taking undue liberty, but the text "New Project Starting in 2007" appeared after the...

Over Before the Crisis Began?

Brendan    2006-12-18    0 comments

There's no substantive news here besides my resounding disappointment that Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, is conspicuously missing from any JUMP FESTA news and major coverage. Has the crisis stalled out before it even began? The game concluded last year in Japan, and Square Enix has expertly avoided speaking about it with a frenzy of new games. English Demos and...