Article archive

Initial Impressions

Brendan    2006-12-18    0 comments

This weekend IGN was able to get some quality time in with the next Crystal Chronicles entry for the Nintendo DS. Their preview offers the first interactions with the playable form of Ring of Fates, the sequel to the 2003/2004 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. In it they describe stylus control, items, and battle. A select portion is contained below. Gameplay...

Tactics Advance 2 On the Way

Brendan    2006-12-18    0 comments

Square Enix announced this weekend at JUMP FESTA a third title in the Ivalice Alliance series; a sequel to the GameBoy Advance game Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. This next installment: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2: Fuuketsu no Guurimore will be for the Nintendo hand-held portable DS. The Ivalice Alliance also includes Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings for the DS, and...

Dragon Quest Swords Trailer

Brendan    2006-12-17    0 comments

So I stop watching the wily Square Enix for a day and this is how they repay me? Don't they know I have finals to be studying for? Oh well. JUMP FESTA has given me a reason to stay away from the books and I entirely plan to exploit it. Anyways, several new trailers were debuted over the weekend, and...

It All Began with an Invasion

Brendan    2006-12-15    0 comments

The latest installment in Square Enix’s power-house franchise packs an unforgettable punch that undeniably proves that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Ivalice is a land at war; the Archadian Empire has initiated a brutal crack-down on its neighbors in order to compete with the Rozarrian Empire in the west. The latest to fall into Archadia’s...

Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP

kula shakerz    2006-12-13    0 comments

Nintendo's DS isn't the only handheld getting a Square Enix title this week. Square announced today that they plan to re-release the PlayStation 1 hit Final Fantasy Tactics on the Sony PSP. The remake titled Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou (The Lion Wars) will contain several new features such as new jobs and new movie sequences. Cel-shading will be used...

First Dragon Quest IX details revealed

sifar    2006-12-12    0 comments

Today, Square Enix held a press conference in Tokyo to inform the public on the current projects that they have planned for their Dragon Quest line of games and to commemorate the series' 20th Anniverysary. The event started with a movie that showed footage of the earliest of Dragon Quest games, followed by an opening speech by Series Inventor, Yuji...

Development Video to Boot

Brendan    2006-12-12    0 comments

Square's apparently not about to let it's centerpiece of the Fabula Nova Crystallis project be overshadowed by Versus, so a development video of an aerial city of sorts from Final Fantasy XIII has emerged on the web. Check it out here. +1 for Sifar :p

The Scores Are In

Brendan    2006-12-12    0 comments

The scores are in from this week's Famitsu, the game industry magazine that takes it upon itself to autocratically set the standard and impressions of newly released games in Japan. There's good and bad news for everyone's favorite Final Fantasy mascot, the Chocobo. The good news: its score is higher than Dirge of Cerberus; the bad news: only by 5...

Square's Cash Cow

Brendan    2006-12-12    0 comments

The numbers are out and Final Fantasy VI Advance is the reigning portable-console game in Japan this week, having sold 137,810 copies so far. Final Fantasy VI Advance has out sold Pokemon Diamond, Jump Ultimate Stars, and Oshare Majo Love and Berry, in figures this week, but the later three still dwarf the Square Enix title. Here's to hoping it'll...

New Final Fantasy Versus XIII Trailer

sifar    2006-12-08    0 comments

Square Enix has released the first trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII on their Members Page on the Japanese side of the official site. The trailer, entirely in CG, shows us the mood and environment that we can expect from the game. This title is being worked on by the group that brought us the Kingdom Hearts line of games...

Again, with More Color!

Brendan    2006-12-07    0 comments

A new colorful scan has made its way across the internet, showing off combat, a familiar Esper or two, and some characters in Revenant Wings, the sequel to Final Fantasy XII. You can check it out here. Thanks to Utopia-X on the SI Forums. One step closer to the Bahamas!

Upgrade Ahoy!

Brendan    2006-12-07    0 comments

I was going to let Kula post this, but he so lazy! If you haven't done so yet, check out the forums and look at the sexiness that will make you go blind (literally) faster than a teenage boy (innuendo? yes). Edit by kula: Post all your comments here.

New Trailer Set to Debut

Brendan    2006-12-04    0 comments

Fans of the new game can expect Square Enix to release a new Final Fantasy Versus XIII preview trailer on the 8th of December, 2006. Yay for progress.

New Crisis Core Trailer

Brendan    2006-12-01    0 comments

Since my friends here at SI have decided to do my job for me (God bless your hearts, children) Ido has a spiffy new Crisis Core trailer to share. Niiice. The trailer shows Sephiroth, Angeal, Aerith (in what looks similar to her KH2 garb), Zack, Cloud (in Grunt garb?) with some power-shots of Midgar, trains, and dialogue. Redemption might not...

New Scan

Brendan    2006-12-01    0 comments

A scan has surfaced introducing Ryuda, a young man with wings, as well as artwork of Vaan and Penelo, and the first in-game enviroments, screens of the characters, and the dialogue system. Now, if you'd be so kind as to click here for the image, and here to learn more about the game in general, I'd appreciate it.